Saturday, June 1, 2013

The fruit of my passion...

I've been wanting to make my own ice cream ever since last summer when a friend of mine brought me some of her own home made ice cream last summer.  I borrowed hers, and low and behold, I made one of the BEST ice creams I've EVER tasted!  I made a Vanilla Passion Fruit Ice Cream!  OMG, talk about a foodgasm!!!  First off, I used real vanilla bean- about a half of a bean, split and insides scraped out.  Secondly, I used whole milk, heavy cream and eggs- the real deal ice cream.  Then, I used 2 perfectly ripe passion fruits! AHHHHHHHH, i'm getting all excited just typing this out!  I've never really had real passion fruits before and they by far outweigh any fake flavoring you will EVER encounter!  Ok, enough is the recipe.

P.s. I am using a 1.5qt ice cream maker
P.p.s. I was scared to death of making scrambled eggs when i added the hot liquid to them.  Have to fear and as Julia Child would say, "USE CONVICTION"


3/4 c. sugar
1/8 tsp salt
1 3/4 c. whole milk
2 eggs, beaten
1 1/2 c. heavy cream
1/2 vanilla bean, scraped
2 passion fruits, insides scraped


1. Combine sugar, salt, vanilla bean and milk in saucepan and whisk briskly to combine thoroughly.  Cook over medium/medium high heat, stirring occasionally until mixture almost boils.  Reduce to low.
2. While the mixture is heating on the stove, in a seperate bowl, beat 2 eggs.  Will look like scrambled eggs.
3. Gradually stir about 1/2 cup of the hot milk mixture into the beaten eggs to temper them. Once tempered, add the eggs to the remaining hot mixture.  Cook over low heat, stirring constantly until slightly thickened, about 2-3 minutes.  Remove from heat, transfer to a mixing bowl, and put in the fridge for AT LEAST 2 hours.
4. Once the mixture has chilled nicely, combine the heavy cream and scrape out the passion fruits and whisk everything well.
5. Pour the mixture into your ice cream maker, wave your hand over it and say aloud "double bubble, toil and trouble"...and switch on the machine.
6. Let it blend to your desired consistency!